Williames FNC Tray Filler


Tray Filler

The Williames FNC Tray Filler is a high-capacity filler compatible with a wide range of mixes and all known trayTRY types. The filler allows you to uniformly fill up to 1,500 trays an hour while giving you control over soil density and soil flow. Depending on the speed you wish to fill, the machine can be operated by one, two or three people.


  • Fingertip variable speed: Possess constant control over the speed of the soil-flow, conveyor speed and more
  • Simple operation: The Tray Filler is operated via a single control panel, providing stress-free operation
  • Integrated soil return: excess soil is recycled, ensuring you waste nothing you put in
  • 4 Cubic Metre capacity: Plenty of room to store your potting media
  • Soil Compaction roller: Compacts your excess soil into the tray cells
  • Soil Scraper: Remove excess soil prior to the levelling brush
  • Adjustable-Height Soil-Levelling Brush: Skim lightly along the tray’s surface or slightly hollow out each cell
  • Adjustable Guide Rails: Adjustable for a wide range of tray widths
  • Emergency Stop: Safety first – the machine’s emergency stop function is there for a tight situation
  • Customized for youThe filler is compatible with all known tray sizes. Let us know yours and we go from there

FNC Filler Dimensions

Length: 2750mm Width: 1505mm Height: 2490mm


  • Clod breaker: Breaks up any clods or clumps of soil
  • Tray De-Stacker: End or side-loading units available for hard plastic and polystyrene trays
  • Soil Bin Vibrator: Minimises bridging in the soil bin
  • Vibrator Attachment: Fill high trays that otherwise might experience excessive settlement when watered after filling
  • Electric soil release door: An alternative to the standard handle-driven door
  • Soil beater
  • Soil accelerator for plug trays: Adjustable control over the density of your cell. 
  • Powered feed roller

How does the FNC Filler Work?

This is a diagrammatic arrangement of the Williames FNC Tray Filler.  Using this picture, we will explain how the filler works:

  • The FNC Tray Filler‘s large hopper has a belt running along the bottom. This moves the entire block of the soil (A)
  • The optional Clod Breaker breaks up any clumps of soil (B) near the control gate (C)
  • The system enables excess soil to enter at (K), reducing the over-mixing of soil
  • The Soil Release door (C) varies the amount of soil exiting the hopper.
  • The soil drops off the end and into a split chute (D)
  • Two stage filling is performed by using the split-chute to divert a measured amount of soil into the soil accelerator (E) and to fill the base of the cell.
  • Excess soil then flows to overfill the remainder of the cell (G)
  • For large apertures at the base of the cell (such as Lannen 63 and 121 cell) a plate underneath the cell’s base exists for the soil to impact against (F)
  • Once the cell is partially filled by the soil accelerator, the remainder of the cell is overfilled a few moments later, with the excess soil being diverting from the split chute (G).
  • Excess soil is subsequently scraped to a desired overfilling level (H)
  • The overfilling level is then compacted into the cell by the compaction roller (I)
  • You now have uniform plugs with no air gaps, meaning even root growth across the board.
  • The tray passes underneath the Soil Scraper to remove minimal excess soil prior to the levelling brush (J1)
  • It then continues under the fluted levelling brush (J2)to remove the set amount of soil from the top of the cell for the vermiculite.
  • Excess soil spilt out of the tray transfers into the bin via the soil return that deposits the soil at the start of the bin.

Orientation: 1
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FNC Tray Filler