Williames PLUG POPPER is a very useful small machine in the nursery for those times when the top growth cannot be pulled to dislodge the plug with a reasonable degree of force because the plant is inherently fragile, or when an unusual feature of the root ball causes the plant to snap off. This occurs with a wide range of vegetable or bedding plants with fragile stems, and in other cases where the roots result in hinged root balls, making the clean extraction of the entire plug intact—problematic.
The Plug Popper pushes the plug from beneath the base with a firm and gentle movement, “popping” all the plants in the tray just a few millimetres free of the tray top. Your tray can is then moved along the production line or taken to another production area, with staff confident that plants will not be snapped off because too much force is required, nor have plants that stubbornly refuse to be freed from the cell because the root-ball won’t budge.
- Very easy to use
- Manually operated or air operated
- Suits all known trays
- Easy to change base plate to suit tray configuration
- Robust construction means low maintenance, high productivity, saving time and money
The Williames Plug Popper can accommodate all known tray types and sizes. A base plate matching the tray cell configuration can be changed quickly for different plant production runs.
A simple, elegant solution for removing problematic plants that can result in very expensive plant wastage and disruptive human frustration.