Williames Automatic Tray De-Stacker

Williames Tray De-Stacker 

Williames tray de-stacker

The Williames Tray De-Stacker is the first part of the Williames Seeding Line. As the name suggests, the machine automatically dislodges your trays onto the conveyor. This therefore eliminates the necessity for feeding your trays by hand. We manufacture a variety of tray de-stackers that suit your various tray-feeding requirements.

Tray de-stackers help automate nursery operations and reduce labour requirements..

Williames Standard De-Stacker

The Standard De-Stacker is suited for hard plastic or polystyrene trays (i.e. like the ones we manufacture).  The default model is end-loaded – however, side-loading units are also available. Here, you start by placing your bottom tray between two cleats on the conveyor to ensure smooth transition. Afterwards, you simply stack up the trays in the De-Stacker’s ‘magazine’. Once this is done, you simply press the ‘ON’ button and the trays automatically (and smoothly) feed into the Seeding Line one-by-one. The smooth transition is achieved because the conveyor’s guide rails are able to align with the de-stacker, allowing a seamless feed.




Robustly-BuiltMade with rigid steel to ensure a long-life
Simple to useSimply load up the column and press the button ON/OFF and the trays feed themselves onto the conveyor one-by-one.
Seamless TransferThe conveyor’s adjustable guide-rails ensure a seamless transfer from stacker to conveyor.
End or side-loadingEnd or side-loading options based on your preference
 Suited to all known plastic or polystyrene traysWe can customise the Stacker to suit the trays of your choice.




End or side-loadingUnits can be end or side-loading depending on your preference
Stainless Steel BodyAn optional stainless steel body for extra protection against corrosion.
Number of magazines/columnsTwin, 3-stage or 4-stage Tray De-Stackers available, allowing you to store and feed more trays